
Особенности движения людей

Методы исследования

Описание модели

Исполняемые файлы

Коллектив разработчиков (Обратная связь)

Статьи по теме:

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Наши статьи

  •  Kirik, E., Yurgel'yan, T., Krouglov, D. An intelligent floor field cellular automation model for pedestrian dynamics // Proceedings of The Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007. The Mission Valley Marriott San Diego, California (2007), 1031-1036.

     A stochastic cellular automation (CA) model for pedestrian dynamics is presented. Our goal is to simulate different types of pedestrian movement, from regular to panic. But here we emphasize regular situations which imply that pedestrians analyze environment and choose their route more carefully. And transition probabilities have to depict such effect. The potentials of floor fields and environment analysis are combined in the model obtained. Model parameters adaptivity and modelling of people patience are included in the model. These things make simulation of pedestrians movement more realistic. Some simulation results are presented and comparison with basic FF model is made.

  •   Кирик Е.С., Юргельян Т.Б., Круглов Д.В. О дискретной модели движения людей с элементом анализа окружающей обстановки // Журнал СФУ, Серия "Математика и физика",2008, Т.1, N 3. С.266-276.

      В работе рассматривается дискретный подход к моделированию движения людей в различных пространственных ситуациях. Модель построена с использованием теории клеточных автоматов, является стохастической, однако вероятности переходов вычисляются так, что воспроизводится движение от случайного до строго направленного. Добавлен элемент анализа окружающей обстановки, обеспечивается возможность реализации стратегии "терпеливого человека". Представлены результаты численных исследований.

  •   Kirik, E., Yurgel'yan, T., Krouglov D. The Shortest Time and/or the Shortest Path Strategies in a CA FF Pedestrian Dynamics Model // Журнал СФУ, Серия "Математика и физика", 2009, Т.2, N 3. С.271–278.

      This paper deals with mathematical model of pedestrian flows. We focus here on an ``intelligence'' of virtual people. From macroscopic viewpoint pedestrian dynamics is already well simulated but from microscopic point of view typical features of people movement need to be implemented to models. At least such features are ``keeping in mind'' two strategies -- the shortest path and the shortest time and keeping a certain distance from other people and obstacles if it is possible. In this paper we implement their mathematical formalization to stochastic cellular automata (CA) Floor Field (FF) model.

  •   Kirik E., Yurgel'yan T., Krouglov D. On time scaling and verification of a stochastic CA pedestrian dynamics model (PED2010 Proceedings,to appear)

      This paper deals with a problem of time scaling and verification of mathematical model of a pedestrian movement. We focus on stochastic cellular automata (CA) approach. What kind of tests should be applied to say that model ``works''? In this paper our set of tests and some time scaling observations are presented.

  •   E. Kirik, T. Yurgel’yan, D. Krouglov. On Influencing of a Space Geometry on Dynamics of Some CA Pedestrian Movement Model // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, V. 6350, Cellular Automata, 2010. – P. 474-479.

    To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15979-4_50
    URL: http://springerlink.com/content/n553003885w37066/

      In this paper we show an effect that a shape of way contributes to dynamics of one Cellular Automata pedestrian movement model. The fundamental diagrams for a closed and strait pathes are presented and discussed.

  •   E. Kirik, T. Yurgel'yan, D. Krouglov. Artificial Intelligence of Virtual People in CA FF Pedestrian Dynamics Model // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6068, 2010, – Р.513-520.

    To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14403-5_54
    URL: http://springerlink.com/content/1m1170q823738450/

      This paper deals with mathematical model of pedestrian flows. We focus here on an “intelligence” of virtual people. From macroscopic viewpoint pedestrian dynamics is already well simulated but from microscopic point of view typical features of people movement need to be implemented to models. At least such features are “keeping in mind” two strategies – the shortest path and the shortest time and keeping a certain distance from other people and obstacles if it is possible. In this paper we implement mathematical formalization of these features to stochastic cellular automata (CA) Floor Field (FF) model.

  •   Kirik E., Yurgel'yan T., Krouglov D. On realizing the shortest time strategy in a CA FF pedestrian dynamics model // Cybernetics and Systems, 2011, Т.41, N 1. С.1–15.

    To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/01969722.2011.532636
    URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01969722.2011.532636

      A mathematical model of pedestrian movement on the basis of the stochastic cellular automata approach is proposed. A floor field (FF) model is taken as a basis model. The FF models imply that virtual people follow the shortest path strategy; meanwhile, they also follow the shortest time strategy. The focus of this study is mathematical formalization and model implementation of these features of pedestrian movement. Some results of the simulation are reported.

Ссылки на аналогичные иностранные ресурсы:

Dirk Helbing's homepage (сайт ведущего ученого в области моделирования движения людей)

- сайт британской компании Crowd Dynamics

- Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics NETwork (полезная информация, для тех, кто занимается вопросами моделирования движения людей)

Ссылки на российские ресурсы:

- представлены программные продукты ООО "СИТИС" (г.Екатеринбург)

- сайт по пожарной безопасности (содержит информацию о становлении и развитии российской школы моделирования движения людских потоков)